Your Keys to a Powerful Day

There was a time, not so long ago, where I would awaken each morning and just allow my day to happen.

From the moment my alarm went off I would groan to myself ‘Oh I’m so tired’ and then I would proceed to  check my email inbox, social media notifications and WhatsApp messages all within minutes of opening my eyes. This was a surefire recipe for high anxiety levels and would set the tone for a very ‘reactive’ day. My morning routine would then involve dashing about to an exercise class, rushing to work and in between all of this most likely fretting over my calorie consumption for the day. Sounds riveting eh?

I was constantly reacting to things in my environment – conversations, emails, text messages. None of which I felt was in my control. I wore busyness like a badge of honour (excuse the pun!). By the end of each day I felt tired, deflated and unfulfilled.

If you’d told the old Pip that how we wake up each morning sets the tone for our day I would have rolled my eyes and reached for my phone. But in fact, it is actually true. From the moment we open our eyes, roll out of bed + focus on certain thoughts (I’m tired, I don’t have enough time, I look hideous in this) – we are conditioning ourselves for the day ahead.

Once I learnt this I decided to practice a few new routines and just see what happened. I feel all the better for it and wanted to share with you.


At the moment I’m all into my Hypnobirthing audios in preparation for birth – however I also mix this up with audios from @insighttimer. This app contains a library of different meditations for any occasion – you can sort by mood, time and intention. You can also search Youtube for any of my own meditations – you’ll love em’. Sarah Blondin is my favourite. Check her out.


If you are yet to form any Goals for the year check out my online training video which will lead you through a step by step process of putting your dreams and desires into some inspiring and supportive goals.

Reading over your goals daily allows you to keep them front of mind and will encourage you to keep taking small steps and actions daily towards achieving what it is you want. I also rewrite each of my goals and I take a moment to visualise what it will feel like once each of them is achieved. It makes me feel happy, motivated and excited!


I first discovered the concept of Affirmation work through the late Louise Hay bestselling author, speaker and inspirational teacher. Unfortunately much of our own internal dialogue is a repetition of negative self loathing and criticism. Affirmations give us an opportunity to send more positive messages to our sub-conscious minds (the home of our belief systems, emotions and habits) letting her know that we are choosing a new, more empowering way of thinking and feeling.

Affirmations are a simple yet powerful tool to help you develop self-confidence and empower your journey towards physical and spiritual health, wealth and vitality. Repeating affirmations allows us to practice self-love and self-healing.

I have a handful of affirmations that relate to my health, wealth and happiness and I rewrite them out each morning in my journal but reading them aloud (even in front of a mirror) is also very powerful. Louise recommends using affirmations for a period of 30 days until they permeate our consciousness and become a part of us.

Here are some of my affirmations –

I am calm, centred and happy. 

I am trusting of the universe and my life path. 

I am accountable for all my decisions.

If you need some inspiration check out Louise Hay affirmations here.


Scripting is the art of writing our your life story exactly how you’d like it to be or writing about a particular thing that you would like to manifest into your life. I’m still fairly new to this tool but I’m really loving how it makes me feel each morning as I write out all the wonderful parts of my day as if they had already unfolded.

I’m a big believer in the Law of Attraction and that everything we think, believe, communicate creates and shapes our physical reality. Crazy, right?

Scripting is a practice you can do every day to create your day in advance. Whether you want to manifest a nice commute to work, a successful work presentation or to have some quality time with your kids, write a script for it.

An example from one of my journal scripting entries…

Today was truly wonderful. I awoke feeling well rested and energised. I enjoyed a delicious home made smoothie for breakfast and connected with Steve before he headed off to work. I spent the morning meeting with clients as part of the ‘More than a Weight Loss’ Program and hearing their goals and aspirations for the coming months ahead. I am in awe of their motivation and willingness to dive deep into the exercises provided. They are already making such progress!

I spent the afternoon putting amazing content together for my upcoming Goal Setting Training which continues to be attracting some wonderful participants. I attended my first pre-natal yoga class which was so calming and relaxing. It was lovely to connect with some other pregnant women. I arrived home to a delicious home cooked meal and enjoyed some TV time with Steve before preparing for a restful sleep. I am so grateful for my life and all the amazing people in my world……. 

You get the drift – it’s all about leaning into and imagining everything you want to do, be and feel. You can also write scripts for your bigger life vision and ask yourself prompting questions such as –

  • What would be my perfect job?

  • If I could live anywhere in the world where would that be?

  • When I look outside my window in the morning what do I see?

  • How am I looking after myself each day?

  • What relationships am I enjoying?

  • What different destinations am I travelling too?

  • What does my thriving health look and feel like?

Have fun with it and dream BIG!

So there you have it – a combination of simple and effective Intention Setting tools I apply in my own daily practice and that leave me feeling grounded, motivated and certain of the positive experiences and opportunities on their way to me. It allows me to feel less affected by toxic and negative energy and focused on what is truly important.

I’d love to know how you go with these practices or if there is something that really helps you live with more intention.

Reply below.

Big Love,




Why Dieting is not the answer this New Year