The Key to making life changes…


As creatures who are hardwired for habit and routines, change can feel very very hard.

We are designed to value certainty, safety and security. And spend a great portion of our energy trying to control the very things that simply are out of our control. Other People, the Past, the Future…

We also believe that if we do make changes then we might not be able to adopt to a new situation or we may lose something of value.

Much of this is happening at a subconscious level and amongst the 60,000 thoughts we have a day - many of which are negative or disempowering.

Before we can even begin making changes to any area of our lives whether it be financial, health, career or relationships it is important to understand how we currently think and feel about these areas. This is known as Self-Awareness.

How do we gain more Self-Awareness? What a good question. The process of understanding ourselves and the different facets of our lives requires time and introspection. I encourage my client’s to follow a few simple steps.

Gaining Self-Awareness

  1. Create a quiet space limited from distractions.

  2. Set a timer for 5-10 minutes. Perhaps play some relaxing music, light a candle or pop on a diffuser.

  3. Take out a piece of paper or your journal and write down alllll of your thoughts. Everything you are thinking.

  4. Once you have all of your thoughts written down you can now take a moment to reflect. Our thoughts create our feelings, so when we are feeling sad or angry it is because of a thought in our mind we continue to focus on.

  5. Circle your negative/disempowering thoughts. Ask yourself - how is this thought serving me? How is this shitty thought making me feel? Is this helping me generate the results I want in this area of my life? Who would I be if I didn’t focus on this thought?

Now this process might feel uncomfortable or scary, particularly in the beginning but the great news is that once we have this information we can then start making mindset changes! Choosing new, more empowering thoughts will support you to feel more positive and happy.

Making Mindset Changes

  1. Choose a couple of negative/disempowering thoughts to work on. Write out the thought again and then ask yourself how you could change this thought into a more positive or neutral one.

    e.g. Current Negative Thought: “I hate my body”……. New Positive Thought: “I have an able and strong body”.

    How does this new thought make you feel? It must be believable for your mind so choose something that aligns with you.

  2. Given your mind has had this old negative thought on repeat for most likely years it is now time to soak up these new positive thoughts in every way possible. Pop it on a sticky note in your office, write it as a daily reminder on your phone, place it on your bathroom mirror. We must re-train our minds to focus on these new thoughts.

This is a very powerful process, that when repeated regularly will help you create some epic changes in all areas of your life.

If you are also unsure of what else might be holding you back from creating a life you love you can take my Free Quiz here for insights and supportive tools to help you on your journey.

Big Love,

Pip x


My journey to becoming a Life Coach..


Reignite That Fire Within