What’s all the hype with Weight Loss Hypnotherapy?

“What’s all the hype with Weight loss Hypnotherapy?”.  A question I am commonly asked.

I would have laughed out aloud only 2 years ago if you had have told me that I would have been offering Weight Loss Hypnotherapy. It was probably the ONLY method of weight loss that I hadn’t yet attempted in my life. At this point, I had already sworn off dieting, yet even now it sometimes continues to remain alluring – all those empty promises of miracle bodies and transformative results are a recipe for disaster in my books.

The number one reason I am so passionate about Weight Release Hypnotherapy is because it is not a diet. It does not restrict or involve counting calories. There is no labelling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. You need not fear carbohydrates or fat, or even both at any given time. You are not required to live at a gym or subject yourself to endless workouts.

The second reason why I love it is because it addresses the deep emotional challenges that cause us to eat our feelings or reach for chocolate when we are feeling tired, stress, anxious, bored, angry or for any other reason. Our eating strategies are based on subconscious behaviour patterns from our past. The truth is – sometimes we are not even aware why we might be reaching for certain foods at certain times. It’s become a hardwired habit. Not to worry – we cover the area of habits too.

So by now you might be intrigued. I sure was.

What is actually involved in this process?

  • We meet for 3 face-to-face or online (yes, you can complete all sessions from your phone/computer) appointments where we uncover and help you understand your emotions, beliefs and habits which are causing you to hold on to excess weight.

  • We help clear these negative and limiting beliefs + emotions using a process of Time Line Therapy® which is a powerful form of healing which will help you change patterns of behaviour so you can reach your health goals.

  • You receive personalised hypnotherapy audios to help reprogram your subconscious mind – the home of your emotions and habits – so you can form healthier and more mindful behaviours.

  • You will receive 12 weeks of ongoing accountability and 1:1 support.

  • You will be provided access to an online private circle of women – all of who have undergone this practice – and continue to support one another long after their 1:1 sessions end with myself (hello sisterhood!).

If this sounds like something right up your alley then I would love to support you with your health goals. I am currently taking my final 1:1 clients for 2020 as I slowly transition to maternity leave at the beginning of next year.

Shoot me a reply to this email and I will organise a time for us to connect and see if this program is a great fit for you. 

Big Love,

Pip x


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