Hi Beautiful,

Thanks for dropping by.

I’m Pip, a Mindset Coach, Hypnotherapist & Meditation Teacher.

Through workshops and 1:1 coaching sessions, I guide women  to honour their minds, bodies and souls. Applying a combination of life coaching, mindset tools and a tonne of support, I help clients release their self-limiting beliefs and negative emotions so they can step into their greatness and create a life they love.

After ticking all the right ‘boxes’ — the university degree, high flying corporate career, great apartment —  I found myself knee deep in unfulfillment.  I had a deep inner knowing that I was here to serve and support a greater purpose — to help woman feel their best. But at the time, I didn’t know how to do that. It was only after I hit rock bottom and went on my own journey of self-discovery that I discovered my true calling.

Read more….about Pip here.


Let’s hang out on socials.