My Word for the Year.


We are in that time of the year when commitments to New Years Resolutions are high and we cannot hide from Goal Setting talk and 2018 memes.

From the age of 8 years old I spent every birthday wish and new year celebration focusing on attaining a smaller body shape. I believed  when this happened life would just be PERFECT. I would compare myself to my friends and the women in magazines, I would look at my size L clothing  tags and the jeans I was too self conscious to wear. And then BANG I’d feel an overwhelming helplessness and turn to (you guessed it) FOOD for comfort. And so cycle of self loathing would again begin.

Over the last couple of years I’ve learnt the power of heart-centred goals. And focusing on how I want to feel once my goals were achieved. One of the first goals I set was to ‘Be in Love with my Beautiful and Radiant Self’, this was such a stark contrast to years of affirming to ‘Lose 10 kilos’. Do you feel the difference here?!

I have a business goal for 2018 but I am yet to set personal goals. However I’ve decided to choose an intentional word for this year. Something I’d like to embody and keep front of mind each day.

The word I’ve chosen is JOY.

I want to feel joy each day this year, embrace my inner child, be silly and laugh.

You might be pulled to choose your own feeling-based word.  Here are some helpful steps –


Go for a walk in nature or meditate. Clear your mind of wondering thoughts. Find your happy place where you can connect to your heart space.


See yourself 12 months from now.

Who are you with?

What are you doing?

What work are you creating?

What have you achieved?

How are you taking care of yourself?

Most importantly how do you FEEL?


Write everything you see for your future down in your notebook/computer/phone.


From your list choose one word that really speaks to you. How does it make you feel when you say it aloud? Does it give you tingles or excite you? It should be inspiring and bring a sense of inner peace.


Place your wonderful word everywhere. On your phone background, bathroom mirror, in your wallet. Surround yourself with reminders.

I hope this has helped and inspired you. What we think, we attract and we all have the power to create our realities. Life does not happen to us, life is happening For us.

If you would like some support with setting your own intentional word and goals for this year I am running a FREE webinar 8pm, Wednesday 31 January 2018.

I’d love you to join. Book your spot here . There is also a beautiful KIKKI K Journal up for grabs!

Big Love

X x


I’m sorry for what I said when… I felt Fat.


3 Steps to Self(less) Care